Covering form of preliminary or final report


Date of event: 2007.09.05
Incident number:
Report: Final report
Place of event: FIR PRAGUE / FIR WARSAW
Registration mark: Accident
Weight category MTOM:: >5700 kg
Type of operation: Commercial and Air Transport
Plane / SFM: Airplanes
Type of plane / SFM: ATR 72, A 320
Health effects of event: Without injury
PDF document: pdf


CZ 07 384 EN

The incident - separation minima infringement between ATR 72 and Airbus A320 was reported to the Air Accidents Investigation Institute (AAII) on 5 September 2007 by the ANS of the Czech Republic. The aircrew of an ATR 72 airplane, on flight FAH6984 from Airport Köln / Bonn (EDDK) to Airport Katowice (EPKT), reported its position ABERU and FL 210 on the air traffic controller ACC Prague (ATCO) frequency. ATCO had no radio contact with FAH6984 whose position was confirmed by asking ACC Munich (München). ATCO restricted climbing of traffic on the opposite route. After switching the SSR FAH6984 responder to the second set, radar contact was confirmed 12 NM east of OKG at 03:22. Then the flight FAH6984 continued as planned. Before entering FIR Warsaw, the airplane started descent from FL210 at 04:08. FAH6984 was not identified by radar at that time, ACC Warsaw (EPWW) said. An A320 airplane, flight WZZ135K, flew from EKPT to LIME Airport ascending to the point BAVOK, FL 200. At 04:13:30 the minimum separation between FAH6984 and WZZ135K had reduced below the prescribed value. AAII notified the FARNAIR Switzerland AG and asked for more information about the incident.