Covering form of preliminary or final report


Date of event: 2007.11.25
Incident number:
Report: Final report
Place of event: TMA PRAGUE LKPR
Registration mark: Accident
Weight category MTOM:: >5700 kg
Type of operation: Commercial and Air Transport
Plane / SFM: Airplanes
Type of plane / SFM: Hawker 800-H25B
Health effects of event: Without injury
PDF document: pdf


CZ 07 502 EN

The incident of Hawker 800 – H25B was reported to the Air Accidents Investigation Institute (AAII) on 25 November 2007 by the ANS of the Czech Republic.The aircrew of D-CLBD airplane on flight from Praha Ruzyně airport (LKPR) to Kiev Borispol airport (UKBB) received in their departure clearance a standard instrument departure (SID) VOZ 2A, which they confirmed and then a frequency to contact the traffic controller APP Praha (APP EC) that the crew confirmed as well. However, on taking off from RWY 24 the crew did not follow the assigned SID, made a turn in the opposite direction to a heading of ca 360 degree, climbed to a level of 5,000 ft AMSL, and continued this regime without establishing contact with APP EC. All the APP EC´s attempts trying to establish contacts with the aircrew for around seven minutes failed including attempts made through another airplane and on the emergency frequency. It was only after that time that the aircrew established contact with APP EC, who with regard to the plane position and other traffic, vectored the flight onto a suitable route.