Covering form of preliminary or final report
Two foreign nationals have bought together a completely new UL aeroplane EV-97 EuroStar SL from Evektor-Aerotechnik, a.s.
The UL aeroplane was handed over on 23 October 2017. On the next day, the pilot and the co-owner planned to fly the UL aeroplane VFR from Kunovice to Karlovy Vary. They planned a flight route north of Brno and over the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands (Ceskomoravska vrchovina). Upon reaching Bohdalov, they entered weather with deteriorated visibility and reduced cloud base. They realised that they would not be able to continue on the planned route due to weather conditions and therefore decided for precautionary landing in the terrain near Nizkov. During approach to landing, the right half of the wing hit trees and subsequently the aircraft fell down onto the field. The pilot and the co-owner sustained severe injuries.