Covering form of preliminary or final report


Date of event: 2021.08.07
Incident number: CZ-21-0529
Report: Final report
Place of event: 1 km NE from Rtyně in the region under the Giant Mountains (
Registration mark: Accident
Weight category MTOM:: <2250 kg
Type of operation: Recreational and sport aviation
Plane / SFM: Gliders
Type of plane / SFM: VT 116 0rlík II
Health effects of event: With injury
PDF document: pdf



 On 7 August 2021, the AAII was notified of an accident of the VT 116 Orlík II glider approx. 1 km NE from Rtyně in the region under the Giant Mountains (called Podkrkonoší).

The glider pilot participated in the international competition of historical gliders, the 20th year of HOP 2021, held by the Aeroclub Hronov at the airfield in Velké Poříčí.

During the competitive flight, the glider pilot failed to find a suitable thermal to continue along the flight route and had to perform a off-field landing. The pilot was aware of the fact that due to the worsened conditions for the presence of thermals, it was not sure whether or not he could safely reach LKVP. By continuing in the direct flight, the glider was losing altitude and the pilot failed to find a usable thermal as he had descended down to a low altitude. Originally, he decided to land on a field north of Rtyně in Podkrkonoší. Having gotten closer, he then found out that there was a high voltage power line across the field. That is why he changed his mind to land on that field and continued in flight with an intention to land on another site located behind this obstacle. Such a landing site (meadow), however, was located on a steep uphill with an average slope of approx. 12° (approx. 19 per cent), which was even steeper in the lower part. The pilot’s manoeuvre was landing against the steep slope and in the downwind position. During the landing manoeuvre against the steep slope, the pilot failed to timely and correctly level off the glider above the hillside and the lower part of the glider’s nose crashed hard into the ground. Due to the crash of the lower part of the glider’s fuselage into the ground, the pilot was seriously injured, and the glider was damaged to a large extent.


The cause of the accident was a late decision to perform the off-field landing and subsequent incorrectly performed landing against the uphill, which resulted in the hard impact of the lower part of the glider’s nose into the ground.

Attached final report in PDF file is in original Czech language.