Covering form of preliminary or final report


Date of event: 2021.06.02
Incident number: CZ-21-0225
Report: Final report
Place of event: approx. 300 m NE Stěžov, the region of Příbram
Registration mark: Accident
Weight category MTOM:: <2250 kg
Type of operation: Recreational and sport aviation
Plane / SFM: Airplanes
Type of plane / SFM: Pipistrel Virus SW100
Health effects of event: Without injury
PDF document: pdf



On 2 June 2021, the AAII was notified by the Rescue Coordination Centre of an air accident of the above mentioned aircraft. During a navigation flight from České Budějovice to Příbram, a passenger began experiencing airsickness. The pilot decided to land in the field. During the landing, the aircraft in the landing run turned over. The pilot and the passenger were not injured. Following the air accident, the aircraft was damaged to a large extent.

Factual Information

Preparation for flight, based on the testimony of the pilot of the event flight
Approximately one week before the flight, the flight was being prepared with two pilots along the following flight route:

EDNA Waldkrauburg (Germany, 30 km E Munich) – EDNB Arnbruck (Germany, 15 km W Železná Ruda) – EDPS Sonnen (Germany, 20 km N Passau) – LKCS (Czech Republic, České Budějovice) – LKPM (Czech Republic, Příbram) – LKLN (Czech Republic, Líně) – LKLT (Czech Republic, Klatovy) – EDNB – EDNA.

The NOTAM preparation was conducted during the stated preparation for the flight and also the night before the flight.
The entire route was prepared and discussed by both the pilots.
The meteorological preparation was carried out in the morning on 2 June 2021.
VFR maps covering Germany and the Czech Republic were available on board for navigation purposes.

Flight day on 2 June 2021, based on pilot’s testimony

Flight 1: EDNA TO 07:09 DCT EDNB LDG 07:44 Pilot of the event flight, solo flight
Flight 2: EDNB TO 08:25 DCT EDPS LDG 09:23 Passenger, also pilot (with the pilot of the event flight travelling as a passenger)
Flight 3: EDPS TO 09:23 via Plöckenstein, Moldau LKCS LDG 10:04 Pilot of the event flight (with a passenger who was also a pilot)

Event flight, the fourth flight on the same day, based on the event flight pilot’s testimony

Flight 4: LKCS TO 10:43 DCT LKPM, LDG by Stěžov 11:18 Pilot of the event flight (with a passenger who was also a pilot).

The fourth flight was troubled due to thermal effects. The passenger, who is also a pilot, was helping with navigating using charts. He was experiencing dizziness due to the turbulence and visual contact with the on-board navigation aids. He requested the pilot to land immediately. The pilot identified a dry field and performed landing in the westbound direction. After the landing and brakes release, the nose wheel dug into the ground and the front landing gear leg broke. The probable speed was 30 km/h. The aircraft rolled over the nose and landed on its back. Both pilots disembarked the aircraft uninjured. The pilot reported the occurrence by telephone to PRAGUE Information.

Information on persons 

Pilot of the event fligh:

Male:                                                           aged 46 years
Qualification:                                             CPL(A), FI(A) instructor,
LAA(A) pilot licence:                                  valid
Medical certificate:                                    valid
Total hours flown:                           3,800 hours
Hours flown on the type:                     30 hours
Hours flown in 2021:                             60 hours

Passenger, also a pilot:

Male:                                                            aged 49 years
LAA(A) pilot licence:                                   valid
Medical certificate:                                     valid
He also had flying experience on this type.

Damage to Aircraft

The condition of the aircraft after the field landing ending in a low-speed roll onto its back was classified as major damage. After taxiing and sinking into a terrain groove, the front landing gear leg broke, the twin-blade propeller was destroyed, the engine cowling was damaged, the main landing gear laminated covers were cracked, and there was further damage to the front canopy of the cabin and the outer ceiling part of the aircraft. The aircraft controls were functional.

Aircraft at the accident site

Aircraft at the aircraft accident site

Meteorological Information

Weather on 2 June 2021:

Sky mostly clear, scattered clouds, temporarily cloudy and occasional showers or thunderstorms in the south-east. Later in the evening, increasing clouds from the south-west and showers at night, with occasional thunderstorms. Daytime highest temperatures from 26°C to 30°C, and up to 32°C in the south-east.

Příbram RADIO Daily:

QNH 1019, VIS CAVOK, Wind 240/8 kt

Flight Recorders and Other Means of Recording

The aircraft was not equipped with a flight recorder.

Medical and Pathological Information

The patrol officers of the Czech Police conducted an alcohol test on both persons on board the aircraft with negative results.

Search and Rescue

No search and rescue procedures were organised. The pilot reported the air accident to PRAGUE Information.

Pilot of the Event Flight:
  • He held a valid flight crew licence and medical certificate.
  • He had experience with flying UL aircraft and also on the given type.
  • He performed the preparation of the series of flights listed for 2 June 2021.
  • He decided to make a field landing despite the short distance to the destination airport due to the deterioration of the passenger-pilot’s medical condition.
  • Was airworthy to undertake the flight in question.
  • The weather had no impact on occurrence and course of the air accident.
Aircraft Accident Causes

The cause of the accident was the pilot’s decision to land immediately in an unsuitable area after the deterioration of the passenger’s (who was also a pilot) medical condition during the flight.

Safety Recommendations
The AAII has not issued any safety recommendations.

Attached final report in PDF file is in original Czech language.