Covering form of preliminary or final report


Date of event: 2020.07.27
Incident number: CZ-20-0419
Report: Final report
Place of event: in the field near the village of Ostřetice (ATZ LKKT)
Registration mark: Accident
Weight category MTOM:: <2250 kg
Type of operation: Recreational and sport aviation
Plane / SFM: Balloons and dirigibles
Type of plane / SFM: BB42Z
Health effects of event: With injury
PDF document: pdf


On 27 July 2020, the AAII was notified of an accident of the BB42Z hot-air balloon in the north-eastern part of ATZ LKKT. The pilot of the balloon (foreign national) was carrying out a parachuting flight as part of an organised parachuting operation at the LKKT. Once the preparation for flight was completed and parachutists instructed, the pilot and five parachutists embarked the balloon basket. At the altitude of approx. 1,800 m AGL, while the balloon was descending, all the parachutists made a jump at the same time as instructed by the pilot. The unloaded balloon started ascending extremely and then the entire envelope collapsed. The balloon became uncontrollable and was free falling to the ground.

The balloon (both the envelope and the basket) was damaged during the critical phase of the flight, which occurred after parachutists had jumped out and the balloon hit hard to the ground. The pilot sustained serious injuries when the basket hit the ground and was transported to hospital. A patrol of the Police of the Czech Republic arrived at the accident scene and documented the balloon’s condition and accident site. On the next day, the AAII Commission initiated the investigation of an air accident.