Covering form of preliminary or final report


Date of event: 2021.05.30
Incident number: CZ-21-0214
Report: Final report
Place of event: Křižanov airport
Registration mark: Accident
Weight category MTOM:: <2250 kg
Type of operation: Recreational and sport aviation
Plane / SFM: Airplanes
Type of plane / SFM: ROBIN DR 400/180R
Health effects of event: Without injury
PDF document: pdf




On 30 May 2021, the AAII was notified of an air accident of the ROBIN DR 400/180R aircraft at the Křižanov airport. The student pilot (hereinafter the “pilot”) with an instructor on board were performing a training flight within the airspace of LKKA ATZ. Having finished the task, the crew was approaching RWY 31. The pilot eased back on the throttle while still in front of the airport area, so the aircraft touched down in the field and then bumped into the utility road shoulder on the eastern edge of the airport. Having bumped into an obstacle, the aircraft bounced, touched down, continued moving forward and finally stopped on grass RWY 31 approx. 200 m farther. The aircraft sustained an extensive damage.

The aircraft crew were not injured.

Factual Information

The student pilot with an instructor on board were performing a training flight within the airspace of LKKA ATZ. Having finished task No. 10 B, the crew were approaching RWY 31. Landing parameters were calculated for the eastern edge of the runway at a very flat angle. The pilot eased back on the throttle while still in front of the airport area, so the aircraft touched down in the field and then bumped into the utility road shoulder on the eastern edge of the airport. The security camera footage shows that after the bounce, the aircraft continued in flying over the road and touching down on grass RWY 31. The aircraft touched down, turned to the left in a short run, and stopped in a turned-out position in regards to the original landing direction by approx. 80 degrees and banked to the left.


Although the aircraft was too low with respect to the distance from the desired touchdown point on RWY 31, the crew continued to descend and approached the airport at a flat angle. The critical situation occurred while the aircraft was in the short final position on RWY 31. It was apparent from the security camera footage that the aircraft was moving in an incorrect mode during the approach phase, not allowing for safe overflight of the utility road on the eastern edge of the airport. Both the instructor’s statement and the security camera recording indicate that the aircraft was approaching for landing below the descent line. Although the instructor alerted the pilot to this deficiency in a timely manner, the pilot did not correct the faulty calculation. He did perform the transition to descent with the subsequent reduction of engine power by throttling back at the correct altitude, still, he did so at too great a distance from the airport. The aircraft, at a near stall speed, impacted a field of potato rows and subsequently struck the shoulder of a utility road with its landing gear. It was probably only at this stage of the flight that the instructor opened the throttle and took control of the aircraft. The aircraft bounced and flew over the utility road and the instructor subsequently landed the aircraft on grass RWY 31. During the short landing runout, the aircraft changed its ground motion trajectory approximately by 80 degrees to the left of the original landing direction and came to rest banked to the left.


The cause of the accident was an incorrectly executed landing calculation, which resulted in an incorrectly executed flare with landing outside the airport landing area and subsequent impact of the landing gear into a terrain obstacle.

Safety Recommendations

Given the circumstances of the air accident, the AAII issues no safety recommendations.

Attached final report in PDF file is in original Czech language.