Covering form of preliminary or final report


Date of event: 2022.08.01
Incident number: CZ-22-0805
Report: Final report
Place of event: Airport Nové Město nad Metují (LKNM)
Registration mark: Accident
Weight category MTOM:: <2250 kg
Type of operation: Recreational and sport aviation
Plane / SFM: Gliders
Type of plane / SFM: Orličan VT 116 ORLÍK ll
Health effects of event: The fatal injuries
PDF document: pdf



On August 1st, 2022, the AAII CZ was notified by the RCC Prague of an air accident of a glider at the airport Nové Město nad Metují (LKNM). The Aeroclub Nové Město nad Metují held a training camp for glider pilots at LKNM. Pilots-student, performing the tasks of the training syllabus with their instructors, also participated in the training camp. After completing the syllabus, the instructor allowed pilot-student to carry out the solo flights. The pilot-student who was involved in the accident also took part in the training camp. She was conducting a solo flight on the circuit. During approach in the fourth turn, the glider entered a spin and fell at a sharp angle on a field of wheat with the growth up to approx. 60 cm, approx. 315 m away from THR RWY 36 at LKNM. The pilot-student died in an air accident. The glider was destroyed.

The DTO of the Aeroclub Nové Město nad Metují was also subject to investigation. Investigation revealed facts demonstrating unclear competencies and responsibilities. Based on these findings, safety recommendations, which are listed in the Final Report, were issued for DTO of the Aeroclub Nové Město nad Metují and CAA CZ.

Attached final report in PDF file is in original Czech language.