Covering form of preliminary or final report


Date of event: 2018.12.31
Incident number:
Report: Final report
Place of event: LKTA
Registration mark: Accident
Weight category MTOM:: <2250 kg
Type of operation: Other
Plane / SFM: Airplanes
Type of plane / SFM: L-13 SE Vivat
Health effects of event: With injury
PDF document: pdf


On 31 December 2018, the pilot was flying the L-13 SE Vivat powered glider, identification mark, OK-6110, in the vicinity of the Tábor airfield. Having finished his activity, the pilot joined the circuit and was flying a circuit. After the third turn on the circuit, when the pilot pulled the power lever to flight idle, engine shutdown occurred. The pilot continued flying and was performing an inoperative-engine landing. Having flown the fourth turn, he reported final on the TÁBOR RADIO 122.610 MHz frequency and continued landing. During descent, the speed decreased due to pilot’s inattention. The powered glider started falling and the angle of descent increased. The vertical speed of descent also increased. Because of a low altitude, the pilot was unable to avert the dangerous situation and carried out rough landing on RWY 34. Following the first rough contact with the runway surface, the powered glider bounced and again touched down the runway after some 4 meters. 27-m-long landing runout followed.
During the rough landing of the powered glider, the undercarriage was pressed into the fuselage while the undercarriage control lever caused a severe injury to the pilot. The forearm of his right arm was broken.
On 31 December 2018, an air accident of L-13 SE Vivat powered glider occurred at Tábor airfield. The pilot was performing the flight with the powered glider on a circuit. After the third turn, the engine shutdown occurred in the power glider. The pilot then continued to perform inoperative-engine landing, and rough-landed on RWY 34. Following the first rough contact with the grass runway surface, the powered glider bounced and again touched down the runway after some 4 meters. After a rough touchdown, the pilot was seriously injured.

Factual Information
The pilot was flying the L-13 SE Vivat powered glider, identification mark, OK-6110, in the vicinity of the Tábor airport. Having finished his activity, the pilot joined the circuit and was flying a circuit. After the third turn on the circuit, when the pilot pulled the power lever to flight idle, engine shutdown occurred. The pilot continued flying and was performing an inoperative-engine landing. As he said in his statement, he had experience with inoperative-engine landing on this type of aircraft. Having flown the fourth turn, he reported final on the TÁBOR RADIO 122.610 MHz frequency and continued landing. During descent, the speed decreased due to pilot’s inattention. The powered glider started falling and the angle of descent increased. The vertical speed of descent also increased. Because of a low altitude, the pilot was unable to avert the dangerous situation and carried out rough landing on RWY 34. Following the first rough contact with the runway surface, the powered glider bounced and again touched down the runway after some 4 meters. 27-m-long landing runout followed.
During the rough landing of the powered glider, the undercarriage was pressed into the fuselage while the undercarriage control lever caused a severe injury to the pilot. The forearm of the pilot’s right arm was broken. The pilot got off the plane on his own and was taken by the ambulance into the hospital for a check-up and treatment of the right arm fracture though. A witness who saw the final phase of the flight prior to the impact of the glider to the ground, stated that the aircraft had its nose down and the pilot, due to a very low altitude and great vertical speed, did not manage to flare the glider out in time.


The weather was suitable for the flight performance and no dangerous meteorological phenomena occurred at the given location.
The aircraft pilot held the necessary qualification, and had considerable piloting experience with the said type of powered glider. The pilot was medically fit to fly.
The maintenance and operation of the powered glider had been performed in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements. The powered glider had not been showing any signs of defect; both, prior to the accident and during the event flight, it was operating and airworthy.
The powered glider was damaged beyond repair. The front leg web was broken. The bottom front part of the fuselage and the undercarriage extension system were damaged. The propeller was destroyed, and the reinforced fuselage and wing components were deformed.


The cause of the air accident was the piloting error during landing of the powered glider in the final approach phase.

Attached final report in PDF file is in original Czech language.