Covering form of preliminary or final report


Date of event: 2022.04.28
Incident number: CZ-22-0334
Report: Final report
Place of event: Zbraslavice airport
Registration mark: Accident
Weight category MTOM:: <2250 kg
Type of operation: Recreational and sport aviation
Plane / SFM: Airplanes
Type of plane / SFM: Zlín Z 226 MS
Health effects of event: Without injury
PDF document: pdf




On 28 April 2022, the AAII was notified by a person providing information about known traffic at the Zbraslavice airport about a collision between the taxiing aircraft Zlín Z 226 registration OK-KMP and the aircraft Zlín 526 AFS-V registration OK-CXB, which was parked in the manoeuvring area of the airport.  At 08:45, when taxiing after landing at 08:43, the pilot of the aircraft Zlín Z 226, OK-KMP hit the standing parked aircraft Zlín 526 AFS-V, OK-CXB with the propeller, front part of the aircraft and the right half of the wing. No personal injury occurred. Both the aircraft were damaged heavily.

Factual Information

From 22 to 30 April 2022, the glider competition AZ CUP 2022 was held at the Zbraslavice airport. The gliders participating in this competition were standing at the beginning of RWY 33. Approx. 20 minutes before the event, the aircraft Z 526 ASF-V registration OK-CXB was brought to the area to carry out aerotows of gliders.

At 08:43, Zlín Z 226 registration OK-KMP, which was also supposed to carry out aerotows of gliders, landed on RWY 15. Having landed on RWY 15, the aircraft left the runway to the right and was taxiing in parallel with the runway to the area intended for parking of towing aircraft. The area was located to the left of the threshold of RWY 33 and there has already been the Z 226 aircraft (closer to the runway threshold) and the aircraft Z 526 ASF-V, OK-CXB farther from the runway edge and the runway threshold. 

At 08:45, when taxiing after landing, the pilot of the aircraft Zlín Z 226 registration OK-KMP failed to notice the parked aircraft Zlín 526 AFS-V registration OK-CXB and hit it with the propeller, front part of the aircraft and the right half of the wing.

The Flight Operation Manager informed the Police of the Czech Republic which, upon arrival at the airport, documented the case and interrogated the pilot of the aircraft Z 226 OK–KMP. The pilot was subjected to a breath test using the alcohol breathalyser Dräger with a negative result.


The pilot of the aircraft Z 226 registration OK-KMP was supposed to carry out aerotows of gliders at LKZB. He was eligible to do so in terms of health and qualifications. He had sufficient flight experience and knowledge of the principles of airport traffic and aircraft movement in the manoeuvring area.

The aircraft Z 226 registration OK-KMP mark was airworthy until the incident. At the moment of the incident, the aircraft was taxiing after landing on RWY 15 towards the stand intended for standing of towing aircraft close to competing gliders at the beginning of RWY 33.

The weather had no effect on the cause of the incident.

The pilot held the necessary qualification and was medically fit for performing the given flight. He was familiar with type-flying and the principles of airport traffic and aircraft movement in the manoeuvring area of the airport.

The aircraft Z 226 registration OK-KMP had valid documentation, including insurance.


The air accident was caused by the failure of the pilot of the taxiing aircraft Z 226 registration OK-KMP to notice the aircraft Zlín 526 AFS-V registration OK-CXB.

Attached final report in PDF file is in original Czech language.