Průvodní formulář k předběžné a závěrečné zprávě
CZ 06 405 EN
On August 11, 2006 AAII – Air Accidents Investigation Institute of the Czech Republic was notifed of an RWY 24 incursion aircraft incident. The flight CSA 544 was cleared to enter RWY 24 from TWY B and to take-off following the landing of the flight AUA709Z. The CSA544 flight crew confirmed the clearence and after the AUA709Z had landed, they entered RWY 24 from which they took-off. At the same time and without having been cleared, flight BZH5904 entered the RWY 24 from TWY A. At this time, flight CSA2WK was on its final approach for RWY 24 (about 4 NM ). It was instructed to go around.